
Please visit our sponsors and shop their sites. They add the money and product to our tour that allows us to continue to operate and provide the best experience possible.

Brutal Game Gear handles the apparel printing for all of the Infinity Ladies Tour apparel. If you don’t see what you are looking for in our store, visit them at www.BrutalUSA.com and add the ILT logo to any Brutal Game Gear apparel!

Noble 8 Studios handles website development, merchandising and promotions. http://www.noble8studios.com

John and Karen Barton of JB Cases donated a beautiful customized case to be raffled off at one of the events. Show your thanks by purchasing a ticket and visiting their shop at https://jbcases.com/

Thanks go out to Joss Cues for donating a raffle cue to raise funds for prize pots! Visit them at https://josscues.com/ for more examples of their beautiful work.

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