Players are responsible for keeping their own schedules. The tournament director can give you a good estimate of when your next match will be but cannot determine exactly when your match will be called. Play for the tournament is continuous. As soon as your match is called, it is very important that you proceed to your table and start your match immediately. Additionally, as soon as your match is finished, immediately come to the score table and report your score.
Keeping Score
In most instances, tables are provided with a stand-up visual score keeping board. Please utilize them. Prior to the start of each match, one of the players should get a match score sheet from the Tournament Desk. You are required to complete that form. Players are responsible for returning the completed form to the Tournament desk IMMEDIATELY after each match is complete. If a player fails to register a score at any time during the match and attempts to register the score at a later time, the player and/or the opponent reserve the right to have the tournament director resolve the score by any means necessary including, but not limited to, inquiries to and from others. Simply failing to record a score prior to the next break does not constitute a forfeiture of any game(s) earned by a player; however, if the two players cannot agree on the correct score, it will be at the discretion of the tournament director to make a ruling.
Calling a referee
It is the responsibility of the non-shooting player to call the referee before any controversial shot is attempted. Shooting player must wait for the referee to arrive before attempting the shot. The decision of the referee is final. All Board Members are your referees unless otherwise indicated. Please approach the Tournament Table to request a referee. Please do not disturb any Board Member while they are in a match. If additional referees are available for any event, they will be announced during the Player Meeting.
A player will have 15 minutes to report to a match table after it is called or the player will forfeit that match. In the interest of good sportsmanship, and because match times are not scheduled but rather play is continuous, should your opponent not be at the table within 5 minutes of your match being called, it will be your responsibility to report your opponent missing to the tournament director. At the point that you notify the tournament director, your opponent will be placed on the clock with 10 minutes remaining, and the tournament director will try to locate your opponent. If you fail to notify the tournament director that your opponent is not at the table, it will not be a forfeit.
Time Outs
Players are allowed one five-minute time-out during each match. A time-out may only be taken between racks. If the opponent chooses to continue play, a referee must first be called to watch the game. If the opponent chooses not to continue play, but also leaves the arena, she must return immediately upon player’s return or will also be charged with a five-minute time-out. Opponent may choose to hit balls on the table while waiting for player to return, but may not practice on another table inside or outside the tournament arena.
Shot Clock
Due to time constraints – a match will be put on the shot clock if it is determined as necessary by the Tournament Director or a Board Member. Shot clocks may be implemented in order to finish a tournament in the time allotted. If shot clocks are instituted, the following guidelines will apply:
At 45 minutes after a match is called: If less than 7 games have been played.
Shot clock usage will always begin between games and will be at the discretion of the tournament director. How the shot clock works: You will have 30 seconds from the time all balls stop rolling to execute your shot. A referee will start the clock and give you a 10-second warning before your 30 seconds is to expire. If you are down on a shot in the stance and stroke position, the referee will not give the 10-second warning; however, once down on a shot, if you stop stroking the shot or otherwise come up from the shot, the warning will be called, and you will have 10 seconds from that point. One 30-second extension is allowed per player per game. The player must ask for an extension and receive acknowledgment from the referee upon request. If your 30 seconds (or 60 seconds with an extension) expires without execution, it will be a ball in hand foul for your opponent. If the match becomes 6-6, 2 extensions are allowed for both players during the last game.